361 (192) τξαʹ Base9: 1 / Base7: 4

  • ἀδμήτη (admētē) – unbroken; unwed (women)
  • αἱ λιταί (hai litai) – the prayers, entreaties
  • ἀμνός (amnos) – lamb
  • Ἀνδρέας (Andreas) – Andrew
  • ἀντί (anti) – over against; opposite; instead, in place of; in return for; for the sake of
  • ἄπιος (apios) – pear tree
  • ἄπιος (apios) – far away, far off, distant
  • βήματι (bēmati) – to/for/by/with a step, pace; seat; raised place; tribune; base, pedestal
  • δείματα (deimata) – fears; objects of fear, terrors
  • ἐκινήθησαν (ekinēthēsan) – they were set in motion, moved; removed, disturbed; they went, stirred, were agitated
  • ἐργαζόμενοι (ergazomenoi) – (the ones) working, making, doing; performing; causing
  • ἡ θεοπροπία (hē theopropia) – the prophecy, oracle
  • ἡ θρησκεία (hē thrēskeia) – the religious worship, cult, ritual; religion, service of God; worshiping
  • ἡ Μεγάλη Ἑλλάς (hē Megalē Hellas) – Magna Graecia, the Greek colonies in southern Italy
  • Ἰαμβρῆς (Iambrēs) –Jambres, an Egyptian magician who (with Ἰάννης) opposed Moses (2 Tim 3:8; Numenius fr. 9)
  • ἴθματα (ithmata) – steps, motions; feet
  • ἱκάνοις (hikanois) – you might come to, reach, attain
  • ἱκανοῖς (hikanois) – to/for/by/with fitting, sufficient, adequate, competent, capable (persons or things)
  • κοιναῖς (koinais) – to/for/by/with common, public, general, usual, ordinary (things)
  • λαμπάδες (lampades) – torches; beacons; lamps; meteors
  • μόνας (monas) – solitary, alone; unit; solitary thing; monad
  • νομάς (nomas) – roaming around for pasture; nomadic tribe; roaming, grazing, pastoral
  • ὁ παῖς (ho pais) – the child, son; boy; childhood; slave, servant
  • ὁμιλίας (homilias) – of intercourse, company, communion; of sexual intercourse; of instruction; of association
  • ὀπαῖς (opais) – to/for/by/with openings, holes; windows, doors; caves
  • πάροικοι (paroikoi) – (those) dwelling near; neighboring, foreign, alien (ones)
  • πηγός (pēgos) – well put together, solid, strong
  • πλεονεξίαν (pleonexian) – greediness, arrogance; excess; advantage, gain derived; covetousness (Corpus Hermeticum 13.7.10)
  • ποιάς (poias) – (things or persons) of a certain nature, kind, or quality
  • πόσαι (posai) – how many?
  • σάρξ (sarx) – flesh; body
  • τιμαί (timai) – acts of worship; honors; civic honors; offerings; prices; estimates
  • τιμία (timia) – valued; held in honor, worth; valuable, prized; costly, dear; conferring honor, honorable
  • τίμια (timia) – valuable, prized, costly (things)
  • τίνα (tina) – some things, certain things; what things?