979 (89 · 11)

  • ἀδυνατήσει (adunatēsei) – he/she/it lacks strength, is unable; is impossible
  • ἀλώπηξ (alōpēx) – fox, Canis vulpes; a large bat; a kind of dance
  • ἀνώγεον (anōgeon) – upper room (Mark 14:15)
  • διεσάφησαν (diesaphēsan) – they made quite clear, showed plainly; sent clear information
  • ἐπελθών (epelthōn) – (he) having approached; come suddenly upon; attacked; come forward; discussed, recounted
  • ἡ ἄλοχος (hē alokhos) – the partner of one’s bed, wife; leman, concubine
  • ἡ δυναστεία (hē dunasteia) – the power, lordship, domination; oligarchy; political power (Proclus In Alc. 111.8)
  • ἠνεῳγμένη (ēneōigmenē) – (she/it was) opened (Revelation 4:1)
  • θεωρεῖν (qeōrein) – to look at, behold, inspect, review; to contemplate, consider, observe, theorize
  • θύρσος (thursos) – thyrsus, an ivy-wreathed wand with a pine-cone at the top, carried by devotees of Dionysus
  • κέδρων (kedrōn) – of juniper berries
  • πληροφορίαι (plērophoriai) – certainties; assurances given